Rapid Flash Beacons Going Global


Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFB) were first developed in the United States, but now are spreading to places such as Abu Dhabi. RRFB are placed at pedestrian crosswalks and emit bright flashing lights when manually triggered. The RRFB utilize LED lights and solar energy, so the units are economical and environmentally friendly.

The National Highway Traffic Administration estimated a total of 193,000 pedestrian injuries resulting from accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles during the 2004-2006 time period. To reduce accidents between pedestrians and vehicles, RRFB units have been installed in some communities. RRFB use an irregular flash, simulating the light strobes of an emergency vehicle. They can be installed on narrower two-lane roadways, or wider multi-lane roadways. In a study conducted by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, RRFB has increased driver yielding rates to pedestrians as compared to when only other signage is posted.

Recently, in locales as far as Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, installation of RRFB units is being discussed as a viable option to increase pedestrian safety. According to The National, there are intersections where pedestrians are “often at the mercy of arrogant drivers at crosswalks.” Adding RRFB to busy intersections could help pedestrians feel more secure when crossing the street, and also heighten driver awareness.

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