Category Archives: Sexual Harassment

Sakkas Cahn & Weiss / Blog / Sexual Harassment

New York Personal Injury Law Blog

Claims of sexual harassment against United Way CEO

United Way Worldwide was recently named America’s Favorite Charity by the Chronicle of Philanthropy. On the home page of their website, the organization touts their promise to “advance the common…

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Yacht Workers Trapped in Toxic Work Environments

Not all industries are the same when it comes to the number of sexual harassment claims. The most prominent include food services, retail, and manufacturing, all places where a vast…

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What is quid pro quo sexual harassment?

Certain kinds of harassment, such as the creation of a hostile work environment, depend significantly on the perspective and culture of the victim. What one person may find humorous or…

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How to deal with sexual harassment at work

Sexual harassment has no place in the workplace – or anywhere. Yet your right to safety won’t deter bad actors from crossing the line. These people can make you feel…

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What qualifies as sexual harassment may surprise you

Sexual harassment is sadly too prevalent in American workplaces. However, many individuals tolerate harassment because they’re not sure what crosses the line between inappropriate and illegal. The truth: If you’re…

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New NY law: protections against workplace sexual harassment

If you have ever experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you understand how difficult reporting it can be. You have limited time to report the harassment and prove that it…

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EEOC announces progress on sexual harassment

The #MeToo movement appears to be having a real impact in the workplace and in the justice system. The EEOC reports a significant uptick in reports of sexual harassment over…

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