Results 8


Welcome to the Results page of Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, where excellence in litigation meets unparalleled client service. Our firm takes pride in not just representing, but championing the causes of those who seek justice. Here, we showcase a selection of our significant settlements and verdicts, illustrating our commitment to securing outstanding outcomes for our clients.

At Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, we believe in making a difference—one case at a time. Our legal team combines in-depth legal knowledge, sharp negotiation skills, and a passionate advocacy to ensure that each client’s rights are fully represented. Whether it’s a complex personal injury case, a challenging medical malpractice lawsuit, or any legal battle in between, our track record speaks volumes of our dedication and success.

The cases highlighted on this page are a testament to our strategic approach and our relentless pursuit of justice. Each settlement and verdict represent not just financial compensation, but a closure and a step forward for our clients. We are honored to have been able to make such a significant impact in their lives.


$185,000 awarded to three family members who were injured when their parked car was rear-ended by a drunk driver. Each of the plaintiffs suffered soft tissue injuries, specifically bulging and herniated discs in the cervical and lumbar regions.


$176,000 award for 45-year-old woman who slipped on the exterior stairs of a New York brownstone. The victim suffered a torn rotator cuff and lumbar herniation, which required a discectomy. At trial, a retained engineer demonstrated the stairs lacked the proper coefficient of friction and thus became slippery when damp, posing a safety risk.


$175,000 paid to the Estate of a woman who died after she developed a Stage IV bedsores at the nursing home in which she was a resident. Plaintiff was admitted to the facility at 75 years of age due to dementia, hypertension and vascular disease. The staff failed to alter the plaintiff’s position in bed, didn’t regularly clean the patient and didn’t always promptly remove the full bedpan.


$175,000 awarded to the plaintiff in a Labor Law 241(6) when he was working as a sub-contractor in the 2nd Avenue subway project and lost his footing, sustaining a meniscal tear. Plaintiff argued that the General Contractor failed to provide proper safety equipment to prevent accidents of this nature.


$170,000 to a young military veteran who was a passenger in a car when the driver lost control and hit a stone pillar, causing the plaintiff to sustain a large laceration on his forehead that required two surgeries to correct.


$170,000 awarded to a retired magazine editor who suffered a fractured scapula, when he was struck by a taxi as he jaywalked across a Manhattan street. The taxi passenger issued an affidavit that the driver must not have seen the pedestrian as he did not stop until seconds after striking the victim.


$170,000 settlement at mediation for a 50 year old man thrown from a horse at the Jamaica Bay Riding Academy when the animal broke into a gallop. Plaintiff suffered an intra-articular distal radius fracture in his non-dominant arm that required surgery. Plaintiff was a novice rider and had explained to the guide that the horse seemed agitated and was not responding. The guide told plaintiff he would be fine and took no steps to examine the horse. We retained a horse expert that explained the horse was agitated due to his grazing muzzle which was ill-fitting and which impairs the horses breathing. Defendant argued the rider “assumes the risk” when partaking in a dangerous activity, to which we responded that plaintiff does not assume the risk of negligent conduct on behalf of the staff.


$165,000 to an Irish tourist who fell on a broken Manhattan sidewalk and fractured her dominant arm at the distal radius, requiring open reduction and internal fixation.


$165,000 for a woman injured in an auto accident when another car ran a red light. The plaintiff suffered partial tears of her right rotator cuff and long head of the biceps. She underwent a debridement and acromioplasty of said shoulder, and thereafter developed capsulitis, requiring a second procedure to clean out the adhesive scar tissue.


$160,000 in damages awarded to a legally blind woman in Brooklyn, who fell over an open trap door on the sidewalk after leaving a delicatessen, fracturing her forearm.


$157,500 mediation result for a traumatic brain injury suffered by a 60-year-old woman when she was involved in a two-car collision.


$155,000 awarded to a teenaged Bronx girl when the door to her family’s New York City Housing Authority apartment abruptly closed on her middle finger due to a defective hinge, amputating the tip of said finger. In addition to the finger being shortened, the young woman argued psychological damages based on the embarrassment she feels when people look at her hand.


$150,000 arbitration award for a 45 year old man whose vehicle was rear ended on the FDR in Manhattan and suffered substantial soft tissue injuries that prevented him from returning to work. Plaintiff had a history of severe pre-existing injuries to his shoulder and back from an accident several years earlier.


$150,000 resolution for a 2017 slip and fall on ice. The plaintiff, a 55 year old and former college basketball player, was walking eastbound on 45th Street on a cold winter day, when he saw a person face down on a driveway apron that separated the sidewalk from the street and led to a parking garage. He believed they had suffered a heart attack and attempted to come to the person’s aide when he slipped and fell (as had the other person) on a thin layer of ice, and suffered a tri-malleolar fracture (a fracture in your lower leg sections – the tibia, fibula and talus – that form your ankle joint and help you move your foot and ankle). Typically, this type of fracture requires a complicated surgery, but in this rare case, the plaintiff was casted and made a strong recovery, although he suffers some swelling, pain and distance limitations. We argued the building owner and garage both had a duty to anticipate weather conditions and place sand and salt down, which nobody did.


$150,000 from the makers of a U.S. car manufacturer for a 68-year-old woman whose hand became trapped in the trunk of her car when she pressed the automatic shut button. Plaintiff fractured several fingers and remained trapped for two hours until she was discovered.


$150,000 awarded to a 70-year-old man, who was run over by a young woman who was speeding in her father’s car while using her cellphone and failed to see the plaintiff crossing at the crosswalk. The victim suffered severe head injuries and died later that day of an intracranial hemorrhage. The insurance company tendered their $100,000 policy and the defendant and her father paid an additional $50,000 out of their personal assets to resolve the matter.


$145,000 awarded to an advertising executive for a laceration to his non-dominant hand that caused tendon damage and required surgery. The man was taking a work break and dining out with co-workers at a New York City restaurant in the Theater District. When he went to the bathroom to wash his hand, he gently leaned on the edge of the sink and the entire sink, along with the plaintiff crashed to the floor, causing the sink to explode and sharp porcelain shards to cut the plaintiff’s hand.


$143,000 postal worker on the Upper West Side of Manhattan was assaulted by a young man after the postal employee tried to prevent the man from stealing mail out of his ex-girlfriend’s mailbox. The plaintiff had a finger on his dominant hand fractured and dislocated and missed several months from work.


$140,000 awarded to a client struck by an unsecured tent, which resulted in fractures to her right hip as well as fractures to her third, fourth and fifth metatarsals of the right foot.


$140,000 awarded to a 65-year-old Chelsea resident who tripped and fell over a basket of CDs at Tower Records, fracturing his hip. It was argued that the store was aware that customers would leave their baskets in dangerous positions and that personnel should have monitored the aisles more closely.

Results 1 | Results 2 | Results 3 | Results 4 | Results 5 | Results 6 | Results 7 | Results 8 | Results 9 | Results 10

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