Results 5


Welcome to the Results page of Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, where excellence in litigation meets unparalleled client service. Our firm takes pride in not just representing, but championing the causes of those who seek justice. Here, we showcase a selection of our significant settlements and verdicts, illustrating our commitment to securing outstanding outcomes for our clients.

At Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, we believe in making a difference—one case at a time. Our legal team combines in-depth legal knowledge, sharp negotiation skills, and a passionate advocacy to ensure that each client’s rights are fully represented. Whether it’s a complex personal injury case, a challenging medical malpractice lawsuit, or any legal battle in between, our track record speaks volumes of our dedication and success.

The cases highlighted on this page are a testament to our strategic approach and our relentless pursuit of justice. Each settlement and verdict represent not just financial compensation, but a closure and a step forward for our clients. We are honored to have been able to make such a significant impact in their lives.


$430,000 negotiated at private mediation for a 45 year old Trinidadian woman who slipped in a public stairwell at her apartment building. Although the stairs were in mint condition, our engineer opined that the floor tiles were damp, they failed to have an adequate co-efficient of friction and there was no banister to grab to prevent a fall, allowing us to defeat defendant’s motion for summary judgment. The plaintiff suffered a tri-malleolar fracture in her right leg, requiring an open reduction with internal fixation repair, and second procedure to remove the hardware and a third surgery to correct an equinus deformity that developed in the ankle.


$430,000 for a Queens motorcyclist struck by a private bus who cut off his path, causing the biker to slide more than 60 feet until he struck a curb. He broke his left hip and left hand and was in a rehabilitation facility for two months.


$425,000 awarded to a teenager who suffered depression and post-traumatic stress disorder following a sexual assault by a school employee who then threatened to kill her if she told anyone. The employee was arrested and plead guilty to sexual assault. It was argued by the plaintiff that the school failed to do a proper background search and negligently hired the employee to be near children. A background search would have uncovered that the assailant had formerly sold drugs to minors.


$425,000 at mediation for a 45-year-old man, who was exiting his car in a Connecticut supermarket parking lot, when a shopping cart attendant attempted to throw a group of keys on a chain to a co-worker, and missed his mark, striking the man in the rear of the head. The plaintiff suffered an occipital nerve injury that caused ongoing pain and headaches, as well as complaints of temporary memory loss.


$400,000 awarded at mediation to a boiler repair supervisor who fractured his right elbow in a Queens parking lot, when he slipped on ice and fell while exiting his car. We sued both the plaintiff’s landlord and her neighbor, who owned abutting properties and were responsible for keeping the parking lot free from snow and ice. The defendants argued the plaintiff fell outside of their property line and that he was partly responsible for his own fall. The plaintiff required an initial closed reduction to set the fracture and then three arthroscopies to clean up the elbow, which required various stages of removing cartilage and scar tissue and shaving the bone to prevent rubbing against his humerus.


$400,000 resolution for a fractured distal radius requiring surgery after the plaintiff slipped and fell on a broken, ice-covered, sidewalk in downtown Manhattan.


$382,500 awarded to an asbestos worker who suffered a fractured calcaneus and two cervical herniations when he fell from a scaffold. Plaintiff contended that the accident could have been avoided had he been provided with the necessary safety equipment. The court granted summary judgment under Section 240 of the Labor Law and a mediator brokered a settlement on the damages.


$375,000 awarded at mediation to a 40-year-old man injured in a 2004 accident when his parked car was struck by a truck in New York County. The plaintiff incurred devastating back injuries, requiring several surgeries and has been left with severe limitations including gross urinary and fecal incontinence, erectile dysfunction and massive depression. He will likely need further medical procedures. The plaintiff had a felony record and had a history of prior back problems that predated the accident and led to a pre-accident award of Social Security Disability, both of which limited the value of the case.


$375,000 awarded at mediation to a FedEx driver that was ejected from his vehicle after being clipped by another driver and losing control of his vehicle.  The offending vehicle left the scene and we proved that our client was entitled to payment from his UM police because a contact had been made. The plaintiff suffered a foot injury and thereafter developed compartment syndrome, which left him with a limp.


$360,000 settlement for a Bronx college professor who slipped on an icy sidewalk when the owner shoveled but failed to salt and sand. The plaintiff sustained a bimalleolar fracture which was treated with open reduction and internal fixation.


$350,000 – at mediation for a 51 year old Bronx woman who was caused to slip and fall on wet tiling in the bathroom of a commercial building in the Bronx, causing a rotator cuff tear and surgery. Plaintiff argued that the floor was wet from mopping and building staff failed to place warning signs.


$350,000 47 year old Queens man was merging lanes on the Long Island Expressway when a tractor trailer rear ended his vehicle. The plaintiff suffered herniations in the cervical spine and underwent an anterior cervical fusion at C4/5 and C5/6 with plates and screws, as well as a radiofrequency ablation of the C4/5 and C5/6 medial branch nerves.


$350,000 verdict for a 57-year-old retired housewife who slipped and fell in Grand Central Station on garbage that had leaked onto the marble flooring. The plaintiff suffered a comminuted ankle fracture and underwent open reduction and internal fixation. She was left with permanent range of motion loss.


$350,000 at mediation to a 67-year-old New York male who slipped and fell on ice while entering his car, fracturing several ribs and sustained a lacerated spleen, which had to be removed. The car was parked next to a construction site and the personnel had not properly sanded and salted after shoveling the snow and ice.


$350,000 settlement for a juvenile who fractured both forearms after he fell on slippery stairs while recovering from drug abuse at a Brooklyn rehabilitation center. The stairs had just been mopped and the staff failed to provide “slippery when wet” signs or other warning devices to prevent the incident. The plaintiff had surgery to set the bones and was left with five-inch vertical scars on both forearms.


$350,000 for dental malpractice. The plaintiff, age 54, was undergoing a dental implant installation of a molar with the aid of cone beam scan, when the dentist nonetheless injured the lingual nerve, which resulted in ongoing pain, numbness and paresthesia in the lip and tongue. The plaintiff, an actress, claimed she had difficulty with her verbal clarity post-accident. Although there was an informed consent, it was found that the dentist used too large and implant and drilled too deeply.


$330,000 recovery in a labor law matter involving a 42-year-old carpenter injured on the job site when another subcontractor on the scaffold directly above him dropped a wrench, striking the plaintiff’s face, fracturing his nose and creating a 3 inch laceration off of the tear duct of his left eye, which required sutures to repair and which left a permanent scar.


$325,000 settlement for a 12 year old boy from Freeport Long Island that sued his public school after he slipped and fell on a spilled liquid in the cafeteria during lunch. We argued that the school took an unreasonably long time to notice and clean up the spill and had they done so the accident would have been avoided. The infant suffered a fracture of his left femur, underwent surgery and made a good recovery.


$325,000 for a gay male in his early 20’s, that was pursued sexually by a much older male doctor, who groped him during an exam and then met with him outside of the facility for what the doctor argued was consensual sex.  The young man, who was religious and coming to terms with his sexuality, thereafter felt guilty and ashamed and began treatment with a psychologist, who analyzed that the victim was a dependent personality, and overly accommodating, due to low self-esteem, who during his brief engagement with the doctor, developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The doctor was investigated, fired by his employer, and reported to various disciplinary boards, after he was found by an independent investigator to have engaged in similar inappropriate conduct, all of which violated the doctor-patient relationship.


$300,000 paid at mediation to a 55 year old woman who was shopping outside of a store when multi-level metal racks with flowers and plants collapsed on her due to 40 mph wind gusts. During depositions we demonstrated that store employees were aware that the ground on which they placed the racks was rutted and uneven and thus unstable. The plaintiff suffered a compression fracture to her L2 disc and a burst fracture in her L4 disc. Plaintiff testified that the injuries have left her unable to perform household chores, go to the gym and with difficulty walking without pain.

Results 1 | Results 2 | Results 3 | Results 4 | Results 5 | Results 6 | Results 7 | Results 8 | Results 9 | Results 10

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