Results 4


Welcome to the Results page of Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, where excellence in litigation meets unparalleled client service. Our firm takes pride in not just representing, but championing the causes of those who seek justice. Here, we showcase a selection of our significant settlements and verdicts, illustrating our commitment to securing outstanding outcomes for our clients.

At Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, we believe in making a difference—one case at a time. Our legal team combines in-depth legal knowledge, sharp negotiation skills, and a passionate advocacy to ensure that each client’s rights are fully represented. Whether it’s a complex personal injury case, a challenging medical malpractice lawsuit, or any legal battle in between, our track record speaks volumes of our dedication and success.

The cases highlighted on this page are a testament to our strategic approach and our relentless pursuit of justice. Each settlement and verdict represent not just financial compensation, but a closure and a step forward for our clients. We are honored to have been able to make such a significant impact in their lives.


$585,000 awarded to an infant who suffered a brachial plexus injury during birth due to shoulder dystocia, a complication that occurs during the birthing process when an infant’s shoulder becomes lodged behind the mother’s pubic bone. Plaintiff argued the doctor committed medical malpractice by not acknowledging risk factors which included a large baby (9 lb., 2 oz.), a prolonged labor and a pregnancy of 41 weeks. Opting not to perform a cesarean section could have avoided the unnecessary injury. The child suffered a mild Erb’s palsy injury which led to a slightly dropped shoulder and mild arm weakness.


$585,000 at mediation for a 25-year-old garage attendant who sustained a crush injury to his right calf when a computer technician at the corporate office initiated the automated parking system by remote control without first checking on the video camera to make sure the area was clear. The wound became necrotic and required debridement surgery which left tissue and muscle damage.


$565,000 settlement at a Bergen County, N.J. pre-trial conference for a 27 year old woman whose vehicle was struck by a power & light truck that ran a stop sign, and caused the plaintiff’s car to veer into a tree. Plaintiff underwent neck and knee surgery and suffered depression as a result.


$550,000 to a Massachusetts truck driver that was injured when his 18-Wheeler ran over logs that had fallen off another truck on a New Jersey highway. The force of the truck running over the logs caused the cab’s windows to explode and the driver to be thrown about. The plaintiff suffered compression fractures in his thoracic spine at T10-11-12 and lost several months of work.


$500,000 finding that the driver should have seen the cyclist merging but found the plaintiff 20 percent comparatively negligent, reducing the award.


$500,000 medical malpractice settlement paid to a 90-year-old Westchester woman who, during a hospitalization in Stamford, Connecticut, for a knee injury she sustained in a car accident, she fell from her bed, sustaining a fractured skull. The victim required brain surgery to release the pressure and had an extensive rehabilitation. The plaintiff also recovered the maximum $100,000 policy available in the auto accident that placed her in the hospital.


$500,000 verdict against a fast-food restaurant in the Bronx. The plaintiff was a customer eating inside the premises when a robbery ensued. During the course of the robbery, the manager decided to turn the lights off in an attempt to blind the robbers. This ultimately sent the crowd into a panic, and resulted in the plaintiff being stabbed and requiring surgery.


$500,000 settlement for a mentally disabled woman who was gang raped on the rooftop of a large residential housing complex. The woman’s assailants, who had disabled the roof alarm, were never arrested, or prosecuted. However, we were able to demonstrate through security experts that the building owners had failed to take appropriate precautions to secure the rooftop such as installing an alarm system that could notify security personnel that the alarm had been disconnected and that people were on the roof.


$500,000 settlement (policy limits exhausted) awarded to a 38-year-old father of two, who in 2011 was rollerblading on the east bound Long Island Expressway Service Road in Nassau County and collided with a vehicle traveling southbound at the intersection with Round Swamp Road. The parties each claimed to have had the green light in their favor and each had witnesses to support their positions. The victim was rendered unconscious and sustained multiple injuries, including a left grade III open humerus fracture with open reduction internal fixation; a comminuted fracture of the right femoral shaft with open reduction internal fixation; a fracture of the superior and anterior aspects of the right acetabulum; hearing loss caused by nerve damage in the right inner ear; and a left pneumothorax requiring mechanical ventilation and a thoracostomy.


$500,000 received by client who was shot in the chest at a concert hall when security personnel negligently allowed the perpetrator to bring a gun into the facility. Our expert argued that it should have been anticipated that violence might occur at this concert and should have screened for weapons. The plaintiff sustained a pneumothorax and underwent surgery to have the bullet removed and the lung reinflated.


$500,000 verdict for a 50-year-old woman who suffered a nasal fracture when she was struck in the face by a bucket of debris that had been left on a scaffold as she entered the lobby of a friend’s building.


$480,000 to a Connecticut couple in their early 60’s, who were stopped at a red light, when a drunk driver lost control of his car as he left an office party. The husband, who had undergone back surgery 10 years earlier, with a rod installed, alleged that prior symptoms, such as weakness and pain reemerged post-accident. He also developed carpal tunnel syndrome. The wife had soft tissue injuries. The driver was arrested and prosecution begun, but the DA allowed him off with a misdemeanor and a fine.


$470,000 paid to a Westchester woman for injuries sustained from a dog bite. Unrelated to the dog attack, the plaintiff suffered a very rare, disabling disease, that left her largely home bound, and unable to travel very far by foot, even with the support of her cane. As a result, she retained a dog walking service to exercise her dog on group walks. She often invited the dog walker in for coffee and allowed the dogs to run around her fenced in yard. One morning, one of the dogs charged her, biting her hand. Typically, the result would have been a few sutures, but in this instance, due to the client’s disability, she had multiple complications that resulted in spasm, surgery and partial loss of the use of her hand, which she needed to hold her cane. We sued the owner, for concealing their dog’s prior erratic bite history of others, and the dog owner, for not properly controlling the animal.


$465,000 collected by a 30 year old woman, who slipped and fell on a freshly waxed floor at a Nassau County nursing facility, injuring her leg and developing complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS/RSD) that precluded certain activities. The woman was already on disability for a combination of a prior accident that led to CRPS of an arm, as well as a chronic abdominal disorder. Defendants attempted to dismiss the case, but our office argued that the three individuals waxing the floors, were doing so in a crowded hallway during a business day and neither used signs efficiently or positioned their men to warn people of the slippery floors.


$465,000 award for a 34-year-old man who sustained second- and third-degree burns as a result of a faulty boiler. The victim was burned by scalding water while in the shower when the faulty boiler system allowed the water temperature to increase beyond 135 degrees. The plaintiff demonstrated the mixing valves didn’t work properly allowing the water temperature to rise above the standard safe temperature of 115 degrees Fahrenheit.


$450,000 for a 56-year-old Connecticut woman struck in the rear of her vehicle by a doctor, who was test driving his friend’s sports car to decide if he should buy it and whose dog was lose in the car and distracted the driver. Our client had soft tissue injuries that kept her from engaging in her athletic regimen and left her with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


$450,000 settlement for an airport translator, who slipped and fell at the International Terminal of JFK Airport after a flood several days earlier left water trapped beneath the tiles. As she attempted to meet her clients at their respective gate, some water seeped up from the floor, causing her to slip and land on her side. She suffered a variety of soft tissue injuries, including disc herniations in her neck and back. However, the plaintiff was unwilling to undergo surgery out of fear and instead underwent physical therapy for three years. The award in question was, in part, paid to her for lost wages and medical treatment.


$450,000 settlement at mediation for a Labor Law 240(1) case, wherein our 68-year-old client, an electrical contractor in Queens, fell over scattered debris and construction materials that he couldn’t see due to poor lighting. The plaintiff sustained a lateral meniscal tear at his right knee and underwent a right knee arthroscopy to repair a torn medial meniscus and was unable to return to work.


$450,000 recovered for a 45 year old man struck by the side-view mirror of a bus that got too close to the sidewalk in midtown Manhattan. Our client suffered a fractured humerus and tendon damage in the elbow that had to be surgically repaired.


$450,000 for a 30-year-old unemployed Queens man who was T-boned at an intersection, striking his head against the driver’s side window. He suffered a collapsed right ear drum and a tympanic rupture resulting in complete hearing loss in this right ear. We procured the entire $300,000 insurance policy and negotiated for an additional $150,000 to be paid directly by the defendant driver.

Results 1 | Results 2 | Results 3 | Results 4 | Results 5 | Results 6 | Results 7 | Results 8 | Results 9 | Results 10

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