Results 3


Welcome to the Results page of Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, where excellence in litigation meets unparalleled client service. Our firm takes pride in not just representing, but championing the causes of those who seek justice. Here, we showcase a selection of our significant settlements and verdicts, illustrating our commitment to securing outstanding outcomes for our clients.

At Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, we believe in making a difference—one case at a time. Our legal team combines in-depth legal knowledge, sharp negotiation skills, and a passionate advocacy to ensure that each client’s rights are fully represented. Whether it’s a complex personal injury case, a challenging medical malpractice lawsuit, or any legal battle in between, our track record speaks volumes of our dedication and success.

The cases highlighted on this page are a testament to our strategic approach and our relentless pursuit of justice. Each settlement and verdict represent not just financial compensation, but a closure and a step forward for our clients. We are honored to have been able to make such a significant impact in their lives.


$980,000 to the estate of a woman stabbed to death by an ex-boyfriend at the hospital where she worked. We sued the security company and hospital arguing that the defendants failed to undertake reasonable security measures, as the assailant had been involved in other incidents at the hospital and had been loitering on the premises just before the event.


$966,000 verdict on behalf of a New York taxi driver who, during abdominal surgery, suffered a brachial plexus injury in his dominant arm due to a mal-positioning of his arm during surgery. The plaintiff already had a substantial disability in his right arm due to childhood polio.


$927,500 to a Broadway actor who was struck by an Access-A-Ride bus. The plaintiff, who had a complicated medical history, reinjured a surgically repaired cervical fusion and also reinjured an already damaged hip, requiring hip replacement surgery. Our team argued that, based on a jury instruction called “special talent,” the plaintiff’s career would have skyrocketed had the accident not occurred.


$905,000 verdict awarded to the estate of an elderly woman who died in an assisted living facility. The victim died after suffering severe heat prostration when the facility did improper mechanical work on her room’s heating system. Their negligence caused the thermostat in her room to raise to a temperature of 130 degrees, leading to the victim’s distress and ultimate death.


$900,000 for an 81-year-old man, who fell from a raised and unmarked platform floor, and fractured his hip while attending a wedding in a commercial Manhattan loft space. In contradicting the defendant’s argument that the raised platform was safe for patrons, plaintiff retained an expert engineer who opined that the raised floor was built without proper permits from the New York City Department of Buildings and did not comply with New York City Building Codes which required handrails that could have prevented the accident.


$730,000 paid to a 65-year-old retired woman who, while on a bus returning from Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut was violently thrown to the floor and propelled up the aisle and into the dashboard headfirst, when the bus driver slammed on his brakes for no reason. As a result, the plaintiff suffered multiple injuries, the most serious of which was cervical injuries, including a cervical fracture, two herniated discs, and severe cord compression, resulting in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery. She also sustained tears of her left shoulder and left knee, resulting in steroid injections, and post-concussion syndrome with PTSD.


$725,000 received by two Manhattan siblings who suffered lead paint poisoning in their apartment of six years. The landlord argued he was unaware that children lived in the apartment. We demonstrated that the lease requested window guards, which are necessary in Manhattan apartments for people with young children and that the superintendent, an agent for the landlord, lived in the building and constantly saw the children.


$700,000 for a 55 year old Queens man, whose foot got caught in a sidewalk pothole, resulting in him falling and striking his head on the concrete. Thereafter, the plaintiff began to suffer traumatic brain injury symptomology, along with alleged seizures. Defense argued that the plaintiff had a cyst removed from his brain in his teens, which created similar symptoms, and that it was a recurrence of the cyst, not the fall that caused the conditions. We brought in a non-party witness to the accident who described seizure like symptoms immediately following the fall, and not before the fall.


$650,000 settlement at mediation awarded to a 66-year-old patient who contracted hepatitis during surgery at a Long Island hospital. During the patient’s open-heart surgery, his surgeon cut his finger, resulting in the surgeon’s blood mixing with the plaintiffs. We proffered evidence that the hospital was aware of the surgeon’s history of passing hepatitis on to his patients and failed to inform the plaintiff.


$650,000 collected from the Archdiocese by a 22-year-old man who a priest sexually assaulted after questioning his own sexuality during counseling. The plaintiff thereafter became depressed and attempted suicide. The priest, who had a dubious history, including allegations he had solicited sex from an undercover police officer, was not authorized to conduct one-on-one counseling.


$650,000 settlement during jury selection for a 54-year-old woman injured in a Suffolk County residential neighborhood, when a drunk 20-year-old woman ran a stop sign and sent the plaintiff’s vehicle onto a residential lawn at 25 mph. The young defendant was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and pled guilty. The impact resulted in the plaintiff aggravating an 8-year-old cervical injury, to wit: C2-3 disc protrusion, cervical stenosis at C5-6-7 with cord compression; and C5-6 radiculopathy. Following therapy and injections, the plaintiff underwent a posterior cervical fusion with local bone graft, and a posterior laminectomy at C-5, C-6 and C-7.


$650,000 on the eve of trial, awarded to a Nassau County mother and her two sons, who were T-boned on Sunrise Highway when a tow truck ran a red light. The mother suffered a blow-out orbital fracture, with an associated prolapse of the medial rectus muscle, and facial scarring. One of the sons suffered a scalp laceration requiring sutures and the other suffered a concussion. When the defendant alleged he had the right of way, we used witness testimony, video feed from a local gas station and a bio-mechanical engineer to prove otherwise.


$642,500 settlement in Westchester County for a 44-year-old divorced mother whose car was rear-ended by a commercial van. The plaintiff, who suffered pre-existing cervical and lumbar injuries from an earlier accident, required a surgical fusion of her L4 and L5 levels and two years later underwent a discectomy at C4-5 and C5-6. Her back healed well, but she suffered mild restriction of motion in her neck.


$620,000 verdict for a Pakistani immigrant whose arm was trapped in a milling machine, causing a degloving of his forearm and several fractures. Our engineer helped us prove that the machine’s design too easily allowed machine owners to remove the safety devices so it could be run by one operator instead of two and could increase productivity.


$615,000 settlement following a 2-truck highway collision in upstate, New York, that left the offending driver dead when his vehicle caught fire following the collision. Our client, 31 years of age, suffered lumbar herniations and required a hemi-laminectomy surgery, thereafter returning to work. Our office moved for summary judgment on the issue of liability, which was decided in our favor and started interest running at 9% per year. Defendants had offered $450,000 prior the decision, but thereafter added another $165,000 to account for future interest.


$615,000 settlement at mediation to a limousine driver injured in Rockland County, NY when a drunk driver, using his employer’s vehicle, crossed over into the oncoming lane and struck plaintiff’s vehicle head-on. Plaintiff suffered a concussion, traumatic brain injury symptomology and a posterior tibial tendon rupture of the right foot which was repaired by an arthroscopy/arthrotomy of the right ankle. We argued that punitive damages would apply at trial due to the egregious behavior of the driver.


$600,000 collected after a young woman, attending a concert at an overcrowded music hall, sustained a wrist fracture and reflex sympathetic dystrophy when security personnel tried to lift her over a metal barricade to prevent her from being crushed and then dropped her.


$600,000 settlement for a 45-year-old Bronx employee of a building supply company who was injured while moving a pallet of formica counter tops which collapsed on him, shattering his ankle and requiring the installation of a plate in his leg. We sued the manufacturer of the countertops as well as the trucking company that transported the countertops. Our expert in industrial packaging and design opined that the countertops were not properly secured with pallet wrap and banding. We also argued that the trucking company was ultimately responsible under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act for insuring the safety and security of the load.


$600,000 for a legal malpractice case arising out of a blown statute of limitations by prior legal counsel on a Labor Law case.  The 60 year old plaintiff was working at a high school, performing asbestos abatement. As he crawled along the scaffold in a relatively dark area, his knee pushed down onto a nail that was sticking up, forcing him to lurch and fall to his side, where he fell 3 feet and landed on his right side. He injured various body parts and required a knee and shoulder arthroscopy. We proved that Labor Law Sec. 241(6) requires owners and contractors to “provide reasonable and adequate protection and safety” for workers, which includes maintaining all passageways free of debris. We further proved that but for his attorney’s failure to file a complaint within the appropriate time period, his case would have been successfully prosecuted.


$595,000 paid to the Estate of the deceased, who was run over by an MTA bus, suffering crush injuries and dying later that evening. The defendant was crossing in the middle of the block and the driver argued he never saw her and thus was unable to avoid the accident. An engineer indicated the woman was struck by the front passenger tire of the bus, and should have been see.

Results 1 | Results 2 | Results 3 | Results 4 | Results 5 | Results 6 | Results 7 | Results 8 | Results 9 | Results 10

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