Woman suffers injuries after New York sidewalk collapse


Suffering injuries due to an issue with someone’s property can be a complicated situation. Individuals will certainly want to have their injuries attended to as soon as possible, but they may also consider who may be liable for the injuries suffered. When these questions come about, it may be important to determine who owns the property or could otherwise be held responsible.

One woman in New York may be hoping to find out such information after recently suffering injuries in an incident. Reports stated that the woman had been walking on a sidewalk when it collapsed beneath her. As a result, she fell four feet, and a chunk of the concrete sidewalk pinned her leg while she was at the bottom of the hole.

The incident resulted in her suffering a fracture to her leg, and the building in front of which the incident took place was deemed “perilous to life.” As a result, no one is allow to enter the premises. Apparently, an investigation into the incident revealed that a defective sidewalk vault cover contributed to the injury-causing accident.

Serious injuries that occur on the property of another individual could warrant compensation. Therefore, the woman involved in this New York accident may wish to explore her legal options in order to determine whether filing a premises liability claim could suit her circumstances. A successful claim could potentially result in her gaining restitution for her injuries, lost wages and other damages permitted under state law. Utilizing local legal resources may help her gain relevant information.

Source: nypost.com, “Woman swallowed whole by collapsed sidewalk,” Alex Taylor and Stephanie Pagones, Aug. 5, 2017

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