Distracted driving presents a serious risk to the person driving and anyone who shares the road with them. This is especially true for teen drivers, who are more likely to engage in risky and distracting behaviors.
Although texting while driving is rampant among young drivers, research shows that the No. 1 distraction for teen drivers is … other teenagers in the car.
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 6 out 10 teen crashes are caused by driver distractions:
Cellphone use should not be underestimated as a cause of distracted driver accidents. Teens take their eyes off the road for several seconds, causing them to veer off the road or into an oncoming lane. In half of rear-end crashes, teens on phones failed to react before impact.
Riding with peers is the biggest distraction for youths. When teen drivers are transporting teen passengers, fatalities increased 45 percent for the teen drivers and 56 percent for occupants of other vehicles. Pedestrian and cyclist deaths are also 17 percent higher when teen drivers have their friends on board.
Research shows that each additional teenager in the car increases the danger exponentially. In other words, one teen friend is risky enough, but three more in the back seat is asking for trouble.
The AAA Foundation recommends that teenagers have 100 hours behind the wheel before the drive solo. Most driver’s education programs do not require that much practice driving. But any experience is beneficial; the more hours the better. Experts also strongly recommend that parents continue to drive with their teens after they get their license. The risk of fatality actually decreases when a parent or other adult rides along with a new driver.
Under New York law, junior drivers (under the age of 18) are allowed only one passenger who is under the age of 21, unless the additional passengers are immediate family members. Parents should strictly enforce this rule. As much fun as it is to ride with a carload of friends, it’s just not safe.
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