Pokémon Go is The Latest Example of Distracted Driving


Many drivers are finding themselves to be distracted when they are behind the wheel, whether they are talking on their cell phone, texting, eating, surfing the Internet on their mobile devices or playing with the radio. Now, there is a new distraction for drivers: Pokémon Go.

Recently, in Rock Hill, South Carolina, police stopped a man who was playing the addictive game while driving erratically in a restaurant’s parking lot. He told police he was becoming angry while playing the game and admitted to drinking two beers in the restaurant before getting behind the wheel. According to The Herald, although he did not consume enough alcohol to fail a sobriety test, he was charged with reckless driving and “wanton disregard for the restaurant property.”

This is not an isolated incident. A man in upstate New York who was playing Pokémon Go while driving drifted into another lane and smashed his vehicle into a tree. A few days later, in Seattle, Washington, a 28-year-old told police he became distracted when he was playing the game and rear-ended the vehicle in front of him. Another driver in Baltimore, Maryland was caught on video trying to “catch ’em all” while driving and hitting a parked police car.

Law enforcement agencies are warning people not to play the game and drive at the same time. Meanwhile, GeekWire reported that Niantic, the game’s developer, added a prompt urging players not to play the game while they are behind the wheel. To exit the prompt and continue playing, the player must confirm they are not driving. The previous update had a scanning technology which made it more difficult to obtain Pokémon while driving.

If you have been seriously injured in a car accident as a result of distracted driving, call the experienced personal injury attorneys at Sakkas Cahn & Weiss, LLP immediately. Any delays may prevent you from obtaining the compensation you justly deserve. Call right now at 212-571-7171.

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