Hurt at a concert? You may have grounds to pursue compensation


Property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises reasonably safe. When these owners fail to keep their property safe — and others are injured — the property owner may be held responsible.

Quite often, when talking about premises liability case, the focus tends to be on slip-and-fall accidents and landlord negligence. While these are both certainly very prevalent areas of premises liability, New York City readers should know they also have certain rights when going to rock concerts and sporting events, as well as bars and other types of liquor establishments. If injured due to negligent security at one of these venues, there may be grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit.

To shed some more light on this topic, let’s take the example of a rock show where concertgoers get out of hand and decide to rush the stage. Some might like to think that if someone was hurt in the process of this, that there would be nothing the injured person could do, as it was their choice to go to the concert. However, this is not necessarily true.

When hosting a rock concert, security staff should be trained in how to prevent the crowd from rushing the stage. If staff were not properly trained though — or for some reason absent or not fulfilling the duties of their job — someone who was injured as a result of the rushing could have grounds to file a lawsuit.

Of course, every situation is going to be different though. Whether hurt at a concert, bar, sporting event — or anywhere where security is commonly present — it may be time to seek legal recourse. At Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP, our main focus is personal injury litigation. Our experienced attorneys can look at your case and provide insights and options into what next steps may be available to you.

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