Escalator safety tips for parents for the holiday shopping season


While Black Friday weekend may now be in the rearview mirror, many families in New York still have plenty of holiday shopping to do. So, many parents may be heading out to area malls and department stores for holidays shopping trips over the next few weeks, kids in tow.

While holiday shopping with the kids, it can be important for parents to keep in mind the safety risks children can encounter in retail environments. This includes the safety risks related to something fairly commonplace in malls and department stores: escalators.

While most escalator rides go without any problems, there can be the potential for kids to suffer injuries in connection to such devices. This includes injuries from falls or getting trapped.

There are steps parents can take to help keep their children safe on escalators during shopping trips. This includes:

  • Reminding the kids to not sit or play on escalators
  • Reminding kids that, when on an escalator, they should face forward during the ride and step off when they reach the escalator’s end
  • Making sure the kids’ shoes are tied before getting on an escalator
  • Supervising young children on escalators, holding their hand during the ride
  • Being aware of where the emergency stop button is in case someone gets caught in the escalator.

Now, sometimes, things arise that create added injury risks when it comes to escalators. For example, escalator defects or lack of proper escalator maintenance can trigger such risks. When children are harmed by defective or poorly maintained escalators, skilled personal injury attorneys can help parents with pursuing justice for their child.

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