Common passenger injuries in a car accident


Car accidents can be a traumatic experience for everyone involved, no matter if you’re the driver or a passenger. Depending on the kind of accident that occurs, a passenger may receive more serious injuries.

If you’re frequently a passenger in a car for any reason – such as you carpool to work with a friend, or you often let your spouse drive – you may wonder if there are any specific differences during an accident.

Passengers can experience similar injuries to a driver in a car. Regardless, it’s useful to know the most common injuries a passenger can suffer from a crash.

  • Head injuries – High-speed collisions can cause head injuries resulting from your head colliding with a window or windshield, or even the steering wheel. Head injuries may range from more minor concussions to severe skull fractures, brain damage, and more.
  • Neck injuries – Likewise to head injuries, high-speed collisions can jerk your head back and forth or side to side and cause damage to your neck. This can result in whiplash or a strain or sprain.
  • Facial injuries – If you’re a front-seat passenger, shattering glass from the windshield can cause extreme facial lacerations and injuries. Depending on the severity, these kinds of injuries can require plastic surgery or leave scars.
  • Broken bones – Many kinds of collisions can cause broken bones, especially in a side-impact accident on the passenger’s side. T-bone accidents can be extra severe as the side of a car offers less protection and result in the side of the vehicle crushing against the passenger. You may suffer from serious broken bones, as well as any of the injuries mentioned above.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you have the right to hold the negligent party at fault. Understanding who is responsible can help you receive compensation that can cover the medical costs of your injuries as well as the loss of income if your injuries result in an absence from work. An experienced attorney in automobile accidents can help you through the process.

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